Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Im a Lucky Duck

Firstly I appolagize for the hidiousness of my page... I dont know how to get rid of the clashing pink banner up yonder. Whatever.
It has been a fabulous week so far. The first weekend of Feb 2010 proved to be one of the best. ever. It was full of activity, a fresh breath of some new friends, and fugitive. I love fugitive, even though it always ends up in Court and I yelling at each other. Our friendship is deeper than to let that get in the way. The Superbowl was a blast as always and I ate too much... as always.
Monday morning as I am getting ready for school I have my lap top beside me... the screen saver is a picture slideshow. I realize that college has been great. When you are in it a lot of the time all you can think about is getting out.. and looking forward to everything else thats around the corner (hopefully). But I know for sure I am going to look back and LOVE this. In the last 4 years I have meet more amazing people and have had more amazing experiences than a lot of people have in a life time. (Im just realizing this is not a list of any sort... and kinda blah, it happens ok).
SO that started the day off good. I walk to school.... decided not to wear a coat... and didnt regret that decision. It was BEAutiful. I get to my "career exploration for international students" class. And some guy from London that went to school at LSU begins to ramble about how hard it is to stay in this country and work once you are done school. Its extreamly difficult. 45 min into the class my bud from Brazil rasises his hand and reminds the class that its really easy if you jsut marry an American. right. I'm dual. I dont care.
SO I check my email. London/LSU man eyes me down. I dont care. I learn I got hired by EFY for the BC position! 6 weeks in Provo and 2 in Calgary. I. am. thrilled. I went from having no plans for the summer... or anything after April 22 2010, to having the oppertunity to do the best plan possible!
My first reaction to everything is to shoot a call northward. I call my wonderful mother to tell her my EFY news... but was kind of scared she would not think it was quite as wonderful as I did. 8 weeks of work for the entire summer... and beyond... is not ideal for a new college grad. But she was so excited for me. She knows I live for EFY, and loves that I do. I brought up my empty schedual in may and june... she says your graduating, your dads turning 50, we all need to just take a break and celebrate. I love my mom. I love her very very much.
At this point I am floating. Joshua Radin's "Everything'll be Alright" comes on. This makes me smile. I rarely smile because of a song when I am by myself. Like that is kind of a big deal... Classes went by quick and painless. Then I got to walk home with a Ukranian. Monday night we went to YoZone... my fav... and I made the best frozen yogurt I have ever had.
Today I only had one class... and it started at noon. Jimmer Ferdette walked me to class. Not really... but I followed him.... closley... all the way to my building. In class we debate the costs and benefits of homeschooling. I sit by cute boy... we make fun of the overlyzealous debaters...the entire class. Court Rylie and I then proceeded to Dennys where we were given a grandslam. yes given. I came home and had a email from "Cintas" Tiffany has a interview Thursday morning. Chances are nothing will come from this except blisters from wearing heels all day. Students who spend their class time mocking the smart students dont seem to be in huge demand in todays labor market, but its a step in the right direction.
In 2 days I am leaving for Cali.
Life is good right now. really really good.


  1. Right at this moment I am jealous. I'm jealous of your summer plans (I freaking want to do EFY but the only year I applied my plans were ruined by a little thing called dental school... blech)... and I'm jealous of the thought of you doing nothing for May and June. Tho I do agree a break is most definitely necessary. Four years of school? Break please. I love that you are loving life. But what is Cintas? And what are you graduating in? Maybe you should mention that. Also... best froyo ever? Do tell...

  2. haha tiff i love your blog! its great. and i love that you followed jimmer to class. hahaha. have fun in cali, bring me home the beach!!
